AKC Compliance Committee
Ensures that the club meets AKC requirements so that the club qualifies to hold shows
B. Russett
M. Beck
P. Smith
Donations Committee
In charge of recommending a list of yearly donations such as breed rescues, canine health, the Dog Museum, local canine law enforcement, scholarships, etc.
– excluding emergency donations
Reports the previous year’s donations to the membership
Investigates requests for donations originating from outside the membership and reports to the membership
R. Gieseman
H. Harris
Hospitality/Refreshment Committee
In charge of organizing social events
Arranges for refreshments at monthly meetings
Meets and greets guests
Programs Committee
Solicits suggestions from the membership for educational programs, reviews, and arranges for at least four programs each year to be presented prior to monthly meetings
Property Committee
Maintains the building and property belonging to the club
R. Gieseman
M. Smith
Property Committee
Maintains the building and property belonging to the club
R. Gieseman
M. Smith
Publicity and Dog Events Committee
Organizes and publicizes events such as CGC test, obedience and rally demonstrations, presentations, etc.
Publicizes activities other than meetings, dog shows, and training classes via the media, flyers and advertisements
L. Boebel
T. Gott
Show Committee
Consists of the show chairperson, the assistant chairperson and the obedience chairperson
Organizes the show
Coordinates and assigns jobs to other members
M. Beck